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Social Media Lab

Guided by experts, practice posting engaging content on Facebook and on a blog.  Learn how to increase followers and expand the scope and impact of your posts.

Touring Basics: A Day in the Life of a Domestic Tour

Sometimes it’s the small things...finding a lunch stop with more than one McDonalds, efficiently directing students upon arrival at a venue, matching host families with students after the concert.  We’ll share tricks of the trade that make everyday tour processes easy and smooth.


Audience Development

We all want our ensembles to perform for the largest audience possible. Learn the innovative techniques that work for industry professionals.

Mental Health

Touring can be stressful to students.  Hear mental health professionals on best practices to prepare and manage some of the challenges of group travel.

Basic First Aid on Tour

Learn emergency first aid practices for emergencies including CPR, epi pens, heat exhaustion, seizures, diabetic attacks, defibrillators and more

Q & A Speed Round

We move through several mini-topics with blazing speed!

Get several great answers to that one continual glitch in your tour planning and preparation.


Please Promote this Concert! 

A round table discussion about customizing promotion materials and communication with media outlets, schools, churches, retirement centers and community organizations


Improving what you Shoot and Share 

Learn how to generate buzz about your ensemble and tours with attention-grabbing photos and videos.

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